5 Tips To Organize Your Home Office

Studies show that almost 60% of us are working from home these days. Your home office environment will have a huge impact on your productivity. Follow these simple tips to have an organized and efficient workspace!

Be sure to have a comfortable & supportive office chair.

Don’t skimp on this! Your back will thank you and you will be more productive. You might also want to get an inexpensive adjustable counter height table (this one made by Lifetime is sold in several stores) to create a standing desk. It’s great to have an alternative to sitting in the same position all day. 

Set yourself up!

Every office needs a trash can, shredder, & recycling bin. A power strip on your desk will make charging your computer & phone super convenient. Don’t forget good lighting!

Find a convenient place for your office supplies

You need a place for stapler, scissors, post-its, etc. If your desk doesn’t have drawers, you can purchase an inexpensive rolling cart with drawers to hold your supplies. 

Make sure to set up a system for your paperwork.

Create “easy access” and “action” files for papers that you need to have at hand, and use file drawers for reference and archive files. 

Uncluttered space = uncluttered mind & more focused productivity.

At the end of each day take a few minutes to reset your space. Clear dirty dishes, throw away trash, file random papers, and move everything that you don’t need off of your workspace. An uncluttered desk will help you focus more effectively and have an organized, ordered place where you can think clearly and get your work done!

Live in the Baltimore area and need someone to organize your home office? I specialize in working with busy professionals to simplify their space for maximum productivity. Contact me to learn more about my ongoing organizing services designed to free you up to spend time on what matters most.